Monday, June 22, 2009

Gastritichesky Symptoms. A Hiccups: Hydr-ac , Nux-m, Verat.

"But the mobilization is immediate killer cells, unlike T cells that need to be educated. The learning behavior of these natural killer cells thus quell the enemy before it progresses in the body, the challenge is to intensify the progression of natural immune system to be more effective and efficient in developing anti herpes approach fighting the virus. The natural killer cells play an important role in eliminating the infection, that is how the immune system is set up to function in regular infection attacks, but the Herpes virus is much too strong and infection demand much stronger immune system. Most initial viral load is a substantial pressure on immune system of the body, that in most cases suppress the immune system and the virus is established in the body for the rest of life. " by New research on pathogens causing genital herpes

Gastritichesky symptoms. A hiccups: Hydr-ac , Nux-m, Verat. Morbidity of a stomach: r; a nausea: I, Puls; a constant, Herpes STD deadly nausea: Tab; unwillingness to accept food: Puls. Vomiting: I, Verat; plentiful, easy : Phos; especially at movement, it is better after movement: Tab. Vomiting by the drunk liquid a constant as soon as will swallow: Ars; as soon as something warm gets to a stomach: Phos; vomiting is a good sign after rn. Stomach. Sensation behind a shoot: r. At a cannon volley a stomach contusion after the vehicle has turned over: Am-caust. Belly area. : I; after crushing of stones; the fatal symptom, according to Makklellanu (George McClellan), has been cured within several minutes with the help Staph . Blow by a sphere, ball in area: Am-caust. Sensation of a cold in belly area: Verat; : Nux-v. Chair. Propensity to diarrheas: Camph, Gels. Diarrhoeia: Ip, Nux-m, Verat; very watery, even the involuntary: Sec; watery, with a putrid smell: Carb-v; intestinal : Verat. Urine. The general shiver at desire to urinate: Hyper; an urine delay: Hyper; suppressed : Sec.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

These Receptions Give The Chance To Define, -

"The spectrum of virus and bacterial risk are great and not all of the diseases are curable, some transmittable to the newborn, therefore knowing the options that the future mother will be facing must be accurately diagnosed prior the decision of getting pregnant. By all means the best prevention is the use of condoms during sexual intercourse, this will reduce the risk of contamination and virus incubation period due to the skin localization in some cases. Infection and incubation period for the virus can vary from from several days to several months or even years, and can remain to be unseen to the naked eye. Due test for STD infection must be conducted prior in all cases. " by Sexually transmitted infections risk for the newborn

These receptions give the chance to define, - whether the form and Herpes STD Genital the sizes of mammary glands are identical, whether at one level mammary glands and dummies, whether have appeared changes in area of a nipple and , skin, swellings. Palpation of mammary glands and axillary hollows. - it is facilitated in position on a back. At inspection - of an external half of right mammary gland it is necessary to put under the right shovel a small pillow or the small platen from a towel, the right hand to extend along a trunk. Palpation make finger-tips of the left hand. Soft circular motions of a hand, slightly pressing on a mammary gland, feel all its departments. At first survey the mammary gland centre (- nipple area-), and then feel it, following from a nipple in a direction to - external edge of a mammary gland on radius up, then -, downwards. At palpation of an internal half of right mammary gland it is necessary to put the right hand under a head, and inspection to spend the left hand in the same sequence - from the centre to internal edge of a mammary gland on radius up, then , downwards.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I The Husband, It Was The Main Thing,

"According to the latest research across many data centers worldwide, medical institutions have reported their findings where people infected with herpes virus turn to for the first help with obscure symptoms. This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

I the Husband, it was the main thing, and all the rest was insignificant and particulars! The internal centres of my body and my head were filled with powerful and Genital equal heat, I have felt their extending hot pulsation. Yes, has from top to bottom slipped the category and everything that is possible, has flared up. The feast has begun. It has begun to load food my plate. I , am outwardly indifferent, have asked it, than it is occupied. He has smiled and with an unknown openness in my circle has informed at once the main thing that here after unexpected demobilisation it has appeared cast ashore as fish after outflow, but does not think, and, on the contrary, wishes to create not much much concern which on the best in the world the equipment will print maps of all scales and appointments, including specialised guidebooks, and many other things. I have expressed opinion that it will organise all, probably, very difficultly. He has smiled, took from a table a napkin and has drawn on it "camomile": the circle with petals, that is the important compound affairs, each of which demands the singular solution, and all are together capable to form a wonderful flower - beautiful and very perspective business! I sat silently, having lowered a little eyelids, absorbing in myself this confident, cheerful, unshakable enthusiasm of the person which has lost all, and enjoyed the sensation, as a stream of oxygen after .

To Everyone Peripheral To Gland There Corresponds In

"But the mobilization is immediate killer cells, unlike T cells that need to be educated. The learning behavior of these natural killer cells thus quell the enemy before it progresses in the body, the challenge is to intensify the progression of natural immune system to be more effective and efficient in developing anti herpes approach fighting the virus. The natural killer cells play an important role in eliminating the infection, that is how the immune system is set up to function in regular infection attacks, but the Herpes virus is much too strong and infection demand much stronger immune system. Most initial viral load is a substantial pressure on immune system of the body, that in most cases suppress the immune system and the virus is established in the body for the rest of life. " by New research on pathogens causing genital herpes

To everyone peripheral to gland there corresponds in a hypophysis a special hormone-regulator. It creates a number of separate systems, for example: a STD Herpes hypophysis - sexual glands, a hypophysis - a thyroid gland, a hypophysis - adrenal glands. But thanks to that that regulation of all these systems becomes isolated at hypophysis level, between systems interaction is carried out. The hypophysis represents, thus, the third level of regulation at higher organisms. Occurrence in the course of evolution of the central regulator - a hypophysis - was the important step in perfection of management by a body. But a hypophysis, regulating a condition glands, "is blind" concerning an external world. This regulator can receive the signals, notifying that occurs in a body, but it has no direct communication with an environment. Meanwhile that environment factors constantly did not break organism ability to live, the body adaptation to varying external conditions should be carried out. About influence of an external world we "learn" through a skin, eyes, organs of smell, hearing and taste.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In Process Of Progressing Of Disease The Pain

"According to the latest research across many data centers worldwide, medical institutions have reported their findings where people infected with herpes virus turn to for the first help with obscure symptoms. This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

In process of progressing of disease the pain amplifies, increases a - mammary gland hypostasis, there are skin, - painful increased axillary lymph nodes, a - body temperature high, a fever. In the STD Genital Herpes blood analysis , - increased . Transition of a serous mastitis in and in the purulent occurs further quickly (for 4 - 5 days). Extremely the - grave condition is observed at a mastitis: the body temperature raises to 40 - 41�, pulse becomes frequent to 120 - 130 in a minute, the mammary gland is increased in volume, its skin with sites , and Expressed with shift of the formula of white blood to the left In urine is defined fiber. At a heavy current of a mastitis a cart sepsis development, pleurae is possible. Treatment: conservative in an initial stage of a sharp mastitis (raised position of a mammary gland, milk a milk pump, taking into account - sensitivity of microflora). Crops of milk for the decision of a question on possibility to continue feeding of the child are obligatory. As a rule, feeding by the amazed mammary gland stop because of possible development in the child of a stomatitis, an enteritis, -.

To Understand, About What There Is A Speech,

"This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

To understand, about what there is a speech, will make some the elementary, having the simplified character, explanations. In ophthalmology comparison of a structure of an eye with the camera device already became traditional. Look at drawing 1 on Genital Herpes STD which the eyeball in a cut is represented. If to draw an analogy between a structure of an eye and the camera device in an eye the objective role carries out the transparent elastic formation having the form of a convexo-convex lens, - the CRYSTALLINE LENS. Rays of light, being reflected from object, get to an eye and, passing through a crystalline lens, are focused on an eye retina. The RETINA analogue of a photosensitive film in a camera is the thin cover covering an internal surface of an eye. The basic function of a retina is transformation of light irritation to a nervous impulse which then is transferred in a brain for the subsequent interpretation. The traditional approach to eye functioning is connected with the theory of German scientist Herman Gelmgoltsa.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Really, The Certificate, But Not Well-beings, And Depressing

Really, the certificate, but not well-beings, and depressing . My God, how many we bear(carry) losses look up in search engine of health already at a level of a day nursery Therefore, first, that not tempered, but already from the earliest Months as a result children in instantly negative image React to adverse circumstances for their weakened(easied) organism; Secondly, because the system of a payment of workers of a day nursery is constructed so In the wild image, that it(she) does not depend at all on health entrusted by it(him) Children. Moreover: the less than children, the easier to tutors to work, therefore That less their loading, and in that case for what it(him) at a constant, yes Also to the extremely insignificant salary once again to strain, if it is possible to reduce Quantity(Amount) of "clients" up to a minimum.. To ours the Shred really carried: it(he) Veins in good, solidary family, had parents and , grandmothers and Grandfathers, which showers(souls) in it(him) not . It(he) played with a cat, which Learned(Taught) its(his) frankness and independence of character; it(he) had a puppy, become it(him) The friend, the close essence which has learned to its(his) sincere goodwill in Display of feelings to associates. (by the way speaking, this dialogue with animals Theoretically, how much(as far as) I know, it is not developed almost by a science, and Meanwhile bears(carries) in itself significant reserves of mental health, and The child, from the early childhood accustomed to care of brothers our smaller, Especially agricultural animals, with other things being equal grows Much more counterbalanced and many-sided person, than the child deprived Similar feedback.) Yes, externally all was favorable in a life of the kid, but terribly to tell: at Sharp angular deviation(rejection) from a true way right at the beginning of the life for We of Shreds has lost first two years already up to 90 prepared to it(him) the nature Health. Promptly and uncontrollably, similarly to a shell or the stone which has been let out(which has been released) From aside, far from the purpose, it(he) has begun movement on the externally To absolutely favorable route.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Call for attention of medical professionals and people from around the world to the most common medical condition of Herpes that have become the label of modern society and transmitted by way of social contacts among the people from the light form of the Herpes Type A Simplex disease to by far more complex and dangerous a Genital Herpes. Wheres today the major form of preventive medicine still remains to the be at large and limited only to the self awareness and self-preservations practices if accepted by individuals through the way of learning about Herpes and understanding the importance of personal hygienics